Write a note on Tagore as a dramatist
Name :-Aneri R.Thakar
Roll no:-1
Paper no:-4
Topic :-5
Submitted To:-DR.Dilip Barad
Department of English
Bhavanagar University
It is said that Tagore wrote his first characteristic play, “sanyasi” or
the Ascetic,while holidaying at karwar on the west cost of India.There has been
a long and fruitful dramatic tradition in India,and Tagore was familiar with
it.He was a gifted actor himself,and he was eager to give a new tone to the
Bengali’s stage.He admired Shakespeare probably he admired Ibsen,probably also
matter link;and he knew his Kalidas very well.He would try his hand at drama
like them- yet it could not be quite
like them. HE was a poet he trafficked imagery and symbolism.He invariably saw
the universal behind particulars.A pray needs a plot,even as a house needs a
firm structure.But how about a house that is no house,the shelter of a tree or
a bush?how about the logic of the dream sequences?how about floating clouds-they
unaccountably come together they assume the look of a camel or of a
continent,then they scatter and de-solve and leave not a rack behind! A play
doubtless needs a plot,characters,dialogue,sentiments: but if all were to
become symbols,word that?there are the ‘no’ and Kabuki,plays in Japan,which can
seldom be studied as a Shakespearean play can be;but in their own works they
are effective on the stage and cause a dull – harming in the mind long after one
has left the stage there certain traditional national attitudes there are
unshakable obscure racial memory,there are quite a few Derennially recurrent
archetypal human patterns-and these are the stuff out of a which the dramatist
creates his dreams.Tagore could take many things for granted:for example,and
intimate knowledge of our epics and our main cultural tradition generally
certain attitudes too he could take for a granted.Idolatry in India is as old
as the hills,and condemnation of idolatry also is as old as “Buddha”,if not
even more ancient. Asceticism and the failure of asceticism, Casticism and the
exceeding of Casticism,the spectacle of husband being redeemed by wife or wife
by husband or both by children,Fanaticism striving with a tolrence,pittiness
striving with magnanimity-all are old,old themes .Tagore could start the
play,strike the opening Chords ,named the characters,-and memory and
imagination would do the rest.Not the logic of careful plotting but the music
of ideas and symbols is the ‘soul’ of
this drama.Not the apparent meaning but it’s echoing,cadence of
suggestion-Dhwani,as the Sanskrit rhetoricians called it;in other words,the
weakness of the under tones-is what matters,for these alone candles the
sluggish soul to a new awareness life’s “deep magics”.
“Sanyasi” written by Tagore:-
Sanyasi is a study of the failure
of what Sri Aurobindo would call the “Reusal of the Ascetic”.In the
Vishnupurana we learn that Jada Bharata,although he readily gives up the cares
and pomp of kingship and retires to the forest,is unable to resist the play of
pity which presently flames up into immaculate love.The sanyasi,by with drawing
from the world as he thinks,he merely developed a negative virtue.Salvation
comes,however ,not from negation but from wise acceptance,purification,and
inner transformation.When the sanyasi boastfully declares-
“The division of days and nights is not for me ,or that of months and
years….I sit chanting the incantation of nothingness…..I am free,I am the great
solitary one”
He symbolizes non-engagement, and
cares not for victory in battle the first stir and rustle of actuality disturbs
him not a little ,the emphasize is still his line of defense.-
“The earth breathes hot sighs and the whirling sands dance by what sites
of man have I seen ! can I ever gain shrink back into the smallness of these creatures,and become one of them? No I am free…
The girl Vasanti disturbs him even more,but at first he tries to be
Stern “I have deserted both God and men”.She asks for bread,but in his
obtuseness he gives her a stone instead!yet the springs of humanity not being
dried up completely,assert them-selves at last .There are vogue stirrings
within.Vasanti’s little trusting hand seems to touch his soul” with the want of
eternal”,she is to him like the “moth of the day light”.Even so he makes one
more attempt to reject humanity and
love;he blows furiously hot and icy cold in panic he runs away from her.But
where ever he may go ,life and the claims of life and the lure of the beauty and love pursue him.ANOTHER CHILD
break the staff of negation and lean on the tree of life-
“Let my wows of sanyasi go…oh the fool who wanted to sick safety in
swimming alone and gave up the light of the sun and stars.To pick his way with
his glow –warms lamp!...I am free,I am free from the bodiless chain of the
nay…the finite is the true infinite and love knows it truth”.
Let mu in a sense it is too late,for Vasanti is death yet can the giver
of new life to the Sanyasi be really dead? The Sanyasi has learned the lesson
of love and life,and there is now no danger of his returning to the desert of
mere ascetic negation.Tagore himself in his Reminiscences,has underlined the ‘moral’
of the play’
………..The great is to be found in the
small,the infinite within the bounce of form and the eternal freedom of soul in
love… on the one side the wayfarers and villagers content with their home made
triviality and unconscious of any thing
beyond;on the other the Sanyasi…when love bridged the gulf between the two the
seeming triviality o the finite and the seeming emptiness of the infinite like
a disappeared.
The Sanyasi,trying to feel from
illusion,had been trapped in a new illusion he has awaken from that night mere
and gone through the baptism regeneration as a human being thanks to the chesty tears he has shed-
O My child the sorrow of your little heart has field,forever all the
nights of my life with its sadness ….YOUR sob that perused me,when I Fled away have clung to my heart.I shall
carry them to my Death
The sanyasi is indeed redeemed.It is not like that it is the enemy of
man,but the wrong kind of egoistic possessiveness that de bases and slaves
body,mind and soul.True love far from binding, anticipated and en large.Love is
the ever lasting yea that liberates,purifies and intensifies human
understanding and reveals infinite in a grain of a sand,and heaven in a flower.
Chitra written by Tagore :-
Chitra is a succinctness Tagorean
version of Kalidas’s Shankuntala;In the course of a perceptive an introduction
of Shakuntala wrote in truth there are two unions in Shakuntala and the motif
of the ,play is the progress of frm the
earlier union of the first with its earthly unstable beauty and romance,to the
higher union heavenly -Hermitage of eternal bliss described in the last
act…..translating the whole subject from one world to another-to elevate love
from the sphere of physical beauty to the eternal heavens of moral beauty.In
Tagore’s play,Chitra first appears as an Atlanta,but when she sees Arjuna the
ascetic,the warrior becomes a woman.she must win his love,even on false pretenses .The GOD of love and the GOD of spring give her celestial beauty for
the space of one year .Arjuna forgets hos vows and surrender,but each love
else?only the falsity in the other and what has become false.Chitra’s is beauty
is borrowed beauty.And so indeed it’s all physical beauty with us for a
team,but one day sure tobe drawn,)and Arjuna is a flaws ardour-ardour that has surged as a result of
these unfair attack of falsity.Neither is in wordily happy she is unhappy he doesn't really love her ,and he is unhappy,ill at ease,because he senses that
there is something wrong somewhere-and he is,besides, secretly drawn to the
Chitra of romour,the arms-bearer,the scourge of her countries enemies.Yet in the
end,when the truth is forced out,real lover flares up from ashes of the flash love that has gone up in a blaze. Now love in born of deep understanding, agonies experienced and shared and the vision of the fourth coming their past discarded selves what the God of spring prophesied comes true.
“A Time will come of its self when the heat-cloyed bloom of the body
will droop and Arjuna will gladly accept the abiding fruitful in thee.”
Chitra is quintessence of romance the speeches burn with passion and
light up the way from truth to illusion and again the arduous climb from
illusion to truth Arjuna says “vaguely glimpsing the truth but greatly confused still-
I never seem to know you right ….Illusion is the first appearance of
Truth she advances towards her lover in disguise but a time comes when she
throws off her ornaments and veils and stands clothed in naked dignity. I grope
for that ultimate you that bare simplicity of truth.
The truth is that Chitra is “No goodness to be worshiped nor yet the
object of common pity to be brushed aside like a moth with indifference.”she is
a woman and a mother,and Arjuna is content ;he says simply “Beloved ,my life is
full !”
What do they know of the body that only the body know and what they know
mind or the soul that haven’t known or loved the body?Tagore was seized by this idea and incarnated in Chitra the
evolution of the human love from the physical to the spiritual .The
supernatural machinery – Vasanti,Madana the end their ‘gifts’ to Chitra-is
strictly superfluous to the play’s inner causation.The wall point of the play
in that youth itself cits freshness,strength and beauty is a sudden spring time
miracle;it is suddenly there and,later it fades away ,as suddenly,as uncountable. It is “Nature’s trick” to bring about certain results.But,then men
has learnt through the ages of his civilized existence to improve upon or too upon transcend this mere trick and make it the means of more integral and
durable union that may last a whole life me and beyond it too.Because a men and women have evolved subtle methods of seduction,there is also the
risk of greater disappointment,revulsion and disgust.What is easily won may be
even more easily lost .Knowing full well that there is the longer surer way
–the way of devotion,tapasaya –Chitra chooses the quicker way of borrowed
beauty to make the assault on Arjuna senses,rather than achieve the contrast
of the whole men.Arjuna too is like wise ready ,all though he is know nothing
about her expect that she is physically alluring,to give up his vow and surrender to the moment.No wonder
she is inly discontented and soon he is discontented as well.It is natural
enough that beauty or glamour should attract in the first instance men to
woman,or woman to men ;but this attraction has still to pass other tests before
it can acquire the name and true nature of love.With men and women the
attraction,the coming together is not the end,but only the beginning.It has to
survive shared trials ,shared sorrows,the shared grateful gradual failure of
the bodily functions,culminating in a shared old age.Hence the impedi-ments
that religion,ethics,custom and wordily wisdom raise between the first fine
rapture and the sanctified final acceptance in marriage. The union of man and
woman is the marriage of true minds,a
whole spectrum ranging from the sensual to the spiritual .It is not to be
striven for through tapasya,to be won and continually deserved as mutual self
giving at all levels of experience.Youth and beauty are transient and death is
unavoidable;yet marriage achieves the miracle of beyonding youth and beauty;and
motherhood and fatherhood to achieve the miracle of continuity ,the beyonding
of death itself .Before the God score simply,before the glow of youth although
they may be transience are yet a part of our experience wisdom lies neither
looking upon the body and it ‘s beauty as ends in themselves nor in imagining
that our life could be holy separated from the physical base.Tagore rejected
both “negations”-the ascetic’s denial of life as well as the sensualist’s
denial of the spirit.The blinding maddening ecstasy of the physical union is
not denied in Chitra,but its transience is also recognized. Even as illusion is
but “the first appearance of truth ,the fever and throb of the senses are but a
prelude to the less evanescent more subdued joy of “holy wedded love”.
Hi Aneri,
ReplyDeleteYou have not discussed about style of Tagore or about his themes.Put some space between two paragraph,Nice attempt.
Thank You for sharing views.