analysis of Adam,Eve and Satan
Name :-Aneri
R. Thakar
Roll no.:-1
Paper no:-1
Unit no :-3
Semester :-1
To.:- DR.Dilip Barad
S.B.G.Department of
Character analysis of Adam :-
Adam is a
strong intelligent and rational character possessed of a remarkable
relationship with word .Infact,before the fall,he is as perfect as a womwen
being can be.He is an enormus capacity for reason,and can understand the most
sophasticated ideas instantly. He can converse with Raphel as a near-equal,and
understand Raphel stories readily.But after the fall,his conversation with
Michael,during his visions significantly one sided.Also,he self doubt and anger
after the fall demonstrate his new ability indunge in rash and irrational
attitudes.As a result of the fall,he losses his pure reason and
intellect.Aadam’s greatest wickness his love for Eve,he falls in love with immidetely
upon seeing her and confidence to Raphel that this attraction to her is almost
over whelming.Though Raphel wants him to keep his affection in check Adam is
powerless to prevent his love from over whelming his reasons.After eats from
the tree of knowledge,he quickly does the same,realizing that if she is
doomed,he must follow her into doom as well if he wants to avoid lossing
her.Eve has become his companion for life and he is unwilling to part with her
even if that means disobeying God.Adam’s curiosity and hunger for knowledge is
un other wickness .The question he ask of Raphel about creation and univers may
suggest a growing temptation to eat from the tree of Knowledge.But like his
physical attraction to Eve Aadam is able to partly avoid this temptation become
unavoidable .
Before the fall,Aadam is
as nearly perfect a human being as can be imagened.He is physically
attractive,mentally adept and spiritually profound .He stands out in
Eden as the apex of the hierarchial pyramid .Only Eve can compare to him in
physical beauty.The conversation s between Aadam and Eve before Book-X are
models of civilized discourse .These conversations are difficult to image
as real,but they reflect the nature of
the two humans.Adam’s and humanity ‘s values are reflected in his
attitude,which is revealed through his speech to Eve ,to Raphel and to God.In
each instance when Adam speaks,he shows the proper relationship to the being
with whom he converses while he is
superior to Eve and inferior to Raphel and God.There is still no hint of haughtiness in his discussions with Eve or of
subservience in his talks with the angel and God .Always Adam shows the proper
respect and relationship in graceful speech and manners.
When Adam sees Raphel’s approach
to Earth,he tells Eve “go with speed and
what thy stores contain,bring forth and pour/Abundance,fit to honor and
receive,our “ HEVE’NLY STRANGER”(V313-316).Eve replies’ “Adam,earth’s hallowed
mould of God inspired small store will serve ,where store / “all reasons ripe
for use hangs on the stalk” .These words which may seem onverly
formal,nontheless reveal the relationship of Aadam and Eve .Aadam is in
charge,but his request for Eve to prepare a meal is not a dismissive
command.Like wise,her response shows that she knows more about the fod
situation in Eden than Adam.This brief dialogue is a discussion between near
equals who understand their responsibilities to each othe and to the
world.Adam’s conversation with Raphel is similar and marked by the same
tone.Adam welcomes Raphel graciously but in a manner that acknowledges the
superior standing of the angel.Further,Adam uses his time with the angel to
learn about heaven,about angels,about the war in heaven,about creation and
about astronomy .Adam’s curiosity and intellect are revealed.Likewise,Adam
inforems Raphel about Adam’s and Eve ‘s creation and about their
relationship.Man and Angel have information for each other and they present
this information within the fotmalized structure that establishes their
After Adam’s fall,his
conversationswith Eve become querulous.He blames her.It takes a mea culpa
speech by Eve to rekindle Adam’s love for his wife and to reeslablish their
proper relationship.Likewise,when Michel comes to Eden,the relationship between
man and Angel has changed.Michael is stern but compassionate.He presents the
vision of the future to Aadam,but there is little,if any,give and take between
the two.Aadam and Raphel have a social meeting in which hierarchy is
understood,Michael and Aadam have a hierarchical meeting in which Michael talks
and listens.
After the fall ,Aadam is prey to
self-doubt,to anger and sullenness,and to self-pity.Ironically Eve’s love for
him starts Adam on the path back to righteousness.Adam,after the fall will
never again be the old Adam,but he does recover his reason,he develops a
new understanding of and love for
Eve,and he sees the good that God will produce from his and Eve’s sinful
action.Adam goes from being the perfect human to becoming a good hyman.
Created to be Adam’s mate, Eve is
inferior to adam, but only slightly. She surpasses Adan only in her beaty. She
falls in love with her own image when she sees her reeflection in a body of
water. Ironically, her greatest asset produces her most serious weakness,
vanity. After satan compliments her on her beauty and godliness, he easily
presudes her to eat from the tree of knowledge.
Aside from her beauty,Eve’s
intelligence and spiritual purity are constantly tested.She is not
unintelligent,but she is not ambitious to learn content to be gided by Aadam as
God intended .As a result,she does not become more intelligent or learned as
the story progresses,though she does attain the beginning f wisdom by the end
of the poem.Her lack of learning is partly due t her absence for most of
Raphel’s discussions with Aadam in Book-V,VI and VII,and she also does not see
the visions Michael shows Adam in Books XI and XII.Her absence from these
important exchanges shows that she feels it is nt her place to seek
knowledge independently;she wants to hear Raphel’s stories through Adam later.The one instance in which
she deviates from her passive role, telling Adam to trust her own and then
seizing the fruit of the tree of knowledge is disastrous.
Eve’s strengths are her capacity
for love ,emotion and forebearance.She persuades Adam to stay with her after
the fall,and Adam in turn dissuades her form committing suicide as they begin
to work together as a powerful unit.Eve complements Aadam’s strengths and
corrects his weakness.Thus,Milton does not denigrate all women through his
despiction of EVE.Rather he explores the role of women in his society and the
positive and important role he felt they could offer in the divine union of
The two were treated exactly as God
had told them they’d be treated “in the beginning” .They were his children
.They’d been given one rule they broke his rule and he exacted punishment
Milton opens paradise lost by frmally declaring his poem’s subject,humankind’s
first act of disobedience toward God,and the consequences that followed from
it.The act is Adam and Eve’s eating of the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge,as told in
Genesis,the first book of Bible.In the first line,Milton refers to the out
come of Adam and Eve’s sin as the
“fruit” of the forbidden tree,punning on the actual apple and the figurative
fruits of their actions.Milton asserts that this original sin brought death to
human beings for the first time,causing us to lose our home in paradise until
Jesus comes to restore humankind to its former position of purity.
Eve is a simpler character than
Adam ‘s rib as his help meet,while she is beautiful,wise and able,she is superior
to Adam only in her creation,when she looks in the water and falls in love with
her own reflection,Eve is linked to the flaw of vanity and Satan as the serpent
will use this defect against her.Before the fall ,Eve is generally presented as
submissive to Adam and to some extent,dependent on him.Her reasoning powers are
not fully realized as his.However,Milton in no way suggests a lack of
intelligence on Eve’s part.Eve listens to Ralphel’s discription of the war
heaven and the defeat of the rebellious angels.When the conversation turns to more abstract questions
of creation and planetary motion at the start of Book-VIII,Eve walks away to
tend her garden.Milton is quick to note,however,
“yet went she not,as not with such discourse
delighted or not capable of her ear of what was high such pleasures she
In ther words,Eve is perfectly
capable of comprehending the abstruse subject,but she prefers hearing the ideas
from Adam alone.She implied idea here is that Eve understands her position in
the hierarchical arrangement and leaves this conversation so that she will in
no way usurp Adam’s place with the angel.Eve does have a tendency now and then
to question Adam,but she does so in a rational respectful manner.In book
IX,sush questioning leads to temtation .Eve tell Adam at bthe start of book IX
that they can do more work if they work if they
work likely tobe tricted by Satan if she is alone and argues against
separation.His love for Eve.though,allows him to be persuaded and against his better
judgement he lets her go.Most
commentators see this action on Adam ‘s part as another example f his
unseriousness ;he yeilds to Eve’s argument
not because he does not want to hurt her feelings.On the other hand Eve
wins the argument by knowingly using her advantages over Adam.Eve sets herself
up for the fall and is not equal to the task f dealing with satan by herself.
Eve’s yields to temtation through a
combination of flattery and sophistic
argument by the serpent.Satan is happy to find Eve alone and acknowledges that
Adam would be a much more difficult opponent .Satan knows Eve’s weakness and
plays on them .She is charmed by him and can not detect the flaws in his
arguments.After she eats the fruit,Eve immidiately changes.She begins to think
of ways of becoming Adam’s equal or perhaps his superior,but, fearful losing
Adam to another feamale creation,she decides that he must eat the fruit
also.Adam does so but not because of Eve’s arguments .He eats willfully because
he is unwilling tobe parted from Eve.
After the fall,Eve like Adam is
acrimonius and depressed.However her love for Adam imitates the regenration of
the pair .She apologizes and her love causes a change in Adam :they can face
the future together.Eve is also glorified by being told that her seed will
eventually destroy satan,though her position in relation to Adam is made clear
when Michael puts her to sleep while he shows Adam the vision of the future
.Eve is certainly not a faminist heroine.Like so many characters in the
epic,she has an assigned role in the hierarchy of the universe ,Milton does not
denigrate women through the character Eve;he simply follows the thought of his
time as to the role of women in society .Eve has as many important
responsibilities as Adam,but in the
hierarchy of the universe ,she falls just below him
Probably the most famous quote about
“paradise lost “ is william Blake’s statement that Milton was “of the devbil’s
party wiothout knowing it”.while Blake may have meant some thing other than
what is generally under stood from this quotation(see “Milton’s style” in the
critical essays),the idea that satan is the hero ot at least a type of a
hero”,in paradise lost is wide spread.However,the progression,or ,more
precisely,regression, of Satan’s character from book-I through Book XII gives a
much different and much clearee picture of Milton’s attitude towards
satan.Writers and critics of the romantic area advanced the notion that satan
was promethan hero,pitting himself against an unjust God. Most of these writers
based their ideas on the picture of satan and in the first 2 books of paradise
lost in those books ,Satan rises of the lack of fire and delivers his heroic
speech still challanging GOD.Satan tells the others rebels that they can make
“a heav’n of hell,a hell of heav’n” and adds, “better to reign in Hell than serve in Hea’vn”.Satan also calls
for and leads the grand council.Finally he goes forth on his own to cross chaos
and find earth .without question,this picture of satan makes him heroic in his
initial introduction to the reader.
Beside his actions, satan also
appears heroic because the first two books focus on hell and the fallen angels.The reader’s
introduction to the poem is through Satan’s point of view ,Milton,by beginning
in medias res gives satan the first empathetic character.Also ,Milton’s writing
in these books,and his characterization of Satan ,make the archfiend
understable and unforgettable.These facts certainly make Satan the most
interesting character in the poem but
they do not make him the hero.Because the reader hears Satan’s version
first,the reader is unware of the exaggeration and out right lies that are
parts of Satan’s magnificient speeches .Moreover,the reader can easily over
look the fact that Milton states that,what ever powers and abilities the fallen
angels have in Hell,those powers and abilities come from God,who could at any
moment take them away.
In essence then Milton’s grand
poetic style sets Satan up as heroic in books 1 and book 2.The presentation of
Satan makes him seem graater than he actually is and initially draws the reader
to Satan’s viewpoint.Further ,because all of the other characters .Milton
spends more artistic energy on the development of Satan so that through out the
poem,Satan’s character maintains the reader’s interest and perhaps sympathy at
least to an extent.No matter how brillintly Milton created the character of
Satan ,the chief demon can’t be the hero of the poem .For Milton,Satan is the enemy who chooses to
commit an act that goes against the basic laws of God,that challenges the very
nature of the universe .Satan attempts to distroy the hierarchy of Heaven
through his rebellion .Satan commits this act not because of the tyranny of God
but because he wants what he wants rather than what God wants.Satan is an
egoist.His interests always turn on his personal desires.Unlike Adam who
discusses a multiplicity his own desires,Satan see every thing in terms of what
will happen to him.
One reason that Satan is easy to
sympathize with is that he is much more like us than God or the son are .As the
embodiment of human errors,he is much easier for us to imagine and emphasize
with than an omniscientdeity .Satan ‘s character and psychology are all very
human,and his envy,pride and despair are understable given his situation,but
Satan’s speeches,while undeniably moving subtly display their own inconsistency
and error.
John Milton brilliantly created the three
character of Adam,Eve and Satan.We saw that Adam is created by God ,and he is
as perfect as a human being.He is the superior character of the epic.He is a
strong,intelligent and rational
character of epic .In Adam we saw the ego of a man ,His protectiveness
for EVE.His superireality and love for Eve is also created by Adam’s rib as his
helpmeet.She is
beautiful,wisecharacter.She is superior to Adam only in her beauty,from
the time of her creation .Eve is inferior to Adam,only slightly if we taking
about the character of satan and his psychology are all very human it is easy
to sympathize satan because it is much more like us.