Thursday, 1 November 2012

Character analysis of Adam,Eve and Satan
Name :-Aneri R. Thakar
Roll no.:-1
Paper no:-1
Unit no :-3
Year :-2012/13
Semester :-1
Submitted To.:-   DR.Dilip Barad
                          S.B.G.Department of English
                          M.K.K.S.Bhavanagar university

  Character analysis of Adam :-
                                      Adam is a strong intelligent and rational character possessed of a remarkable relationship with word .Infact,before the fall,he is as perfect as a womwen being can be.He is an enormus capacity for reason,and can understand the most sophasticated ideas instantly. He can converse with Raphel as a near-equal,and understand Raphel stories readily.But after the fall,his conversation with Michael,during his visions significantly one sided.Also,he self doubt and anger after the fall demonstrate his new ability indunge in rash and irrational attitudes.As a result of the fall,he losses his pure reason and intellect.Aadam’s greatest wickness his love for Eve,he falls in love with immidetely upon seeing her and confidence to Raphel that this attraction to her is almost over whelming.Though Raphel wants him to keep his affection in check Adam is powerless to prevent his love from over whelming his reasons.After eats from the tree of knowledge,he quickly does the same,realizing that if she is doomed,he must follow her into doom as well if he wants to avoid lossing her.Eve has become his companion for life and he is unwilling to part with her even if that means disobeying God.Adam’s curiosity and hunger for knowledge is un other wickness .The question he ask of Raphel about creation and univers may suggest a growing temptation to eat from the tree of Knowledge.But like his physical attraction to Eve Aadam is able to partly avoid this temptation become unavoidable .

                     Before the fall,Aadam is as nearly perfect a human being as can be imagened.He is physically attractive,mentally  adept  and spiritually profound .He stands out in Eden as the apex of the hierarchial pyramid .Only Eve can compare to him in physical beauty.The conversation s between Aadam and Eve before Book-X are models of civilized discourse .These conversations are difficult to image as  real,but they reflect the nature of the two humans.Adam’s and humanity ‘s values are reflected in his attitude,which is revealed through his speech to Eve ,to Raphel and to God.In each instance when Adam speaks,he shows the proper relationship to the being with whom he  converses while he is superior to Eve and inferior to Raphel and God.There is still no hint of  haughtiness in his discussions with Eve or of subservience in his talks with the angel and God .Always Adam shows the proper respect and relationship in graceful speech and manners.
               When Adam sees Raphel’s approach to Earth,he tells Eve  “go with speed and what thy stores contain,bring forth and pour/Abundance,fit to honor and receive,our “ HEVE’NLY STRANGER”(V313-316).Eve replies’ “Adam,earth’s hallowed mould of God inspired small store will serve ,where store / “all reasons ripe for use hangs on the stalk” .These words which may seem onverly formal,nontheless reveal the relationship of Aadam and Eve .Aadam is in charge,but his request for Eve to prepare a meal is not a dismissive command.Like wise,her response shows that she knows more about the fod situation in Eden than Adam.This brief dialogue is a discussion between near equals who understand their responsibilities to each othe and to the world.Adam’s conversation with Raphel is similar and marked by the same tone.Adam welcomes Raphel graciously but in a manner that acknowledges the superior standing of the angel.Further,Adam uses his time with the angel to learn about heaven,about angels,about the war in heaven,about creation and about astronomy .Adam’s curiosity and intellect are revealed.Likewise,Adam inforems Raphel about Adam’s and Eve ‘s creation and about their relationship.Man and Angel have information for each other and they present this information within the fotmalized structure that establishes their relationship.
           After Adam’s fall,his conversationswith Eve become querulous.He blames her.It takes a mea culpa speech by Eve to rekindle Adam’s love for his wife and to reeslablish their proper relationship.Likewise,when Michel comes to Eden,the relationship between man and Angel has changed.Michael is stern but compassionate.He presents the vision of the future to Aadam,but there is little,if any,give and take between the two.Aadam and Raphel have a social meeting in which hierarchy is understood,Michael and Aadam have a hierarchical meeting in which Michael talks and listens.
           After the fall ,Aadam is prey to self-doubt,to anger and sullenness,and to self-pity.Ironically Eve’s love for him starts Adam on the path back to righteousness.Adam,after the fall will never again be the old Adam,but he does recover his reason,he develops a new  understanding of and love for Eve,and he sees the good that God will produce from his and Eve’s sinful action.Adam goes from being the perfect human to becoming a good hyman.

          Created to be Adam’s mate, Eve is inferior to adam, but only slightly. She surpasses Adan only in her beaty. She falls in love with her own image when she sees her reeflection in a body of water. Ironically, her greatest asset produces her most serious weakness, vanity. After satan compliments her on her beauty and godliness, he easily presudes her to eat from the tree of knowledge.

          Aside from her beauty,Eve’s intelligence and spiritual purity are constantly tested.She is not unintelligent,but she is not ambitious to learn content to be gided by Aadam as God intended .As a result,she does not become more intelligent or learned as the story progresses,though she does attain the beginning f wisdom by the end of the poem.Her lack of learning is partly due t her absence for most of Raphel’s discussions with Aadam in Book-V,VI and VII,and she also does not see the visions Michael shows Adam in Books XI and XII.Her absence from these important exchanges  shows that  she feels it is nt her place to seek knowledge independently;she wants to hear Raphel’s stories  through Adam later.The one instance in which she deviates from her passive role, telling Adam to trust her own and then seizing the fruit of the tree of knowledge is disastrous.
               Eve’s strengths are her capacity for love ,emotion and forebearance.She persuades Adam to stay with her after the fall,and Adam in turn dissuades her form committing suicide as they begin to work together as a powerful unit.Eve complements Aadam’s strengths and corrects his weakness.Thus,Milton does not denigrate all women through his despiction of EVE.Rather he explores the role of women in his society and the positive and important role he felt they could offer in the divine union of marriage.
           The two were treated exactly as God had told them they’d be treated “in the beginning” .They were his children .They’d been given one rule they broke his rule and he exacted punishment Milton opens paradise lost by frmally declaring his poem’s subject,humankind’s first act of disobedience toward God,and the consequences that followed from it.The act is Adam and Eve’s eating of the forbidden fruit  of the tree of knowledge,as told in Genesis,the first book of Bible.In the first line,Milton refers to the out come  of Adam and Eve’s sin as the “fruit” of the forbidden tree,punning on the actual apple and the figurative fruits of their actions.Milton asserts that this original sin brought death to human beings for the first time,causing us to lose our home in paradise until Jesus comes to restore humankind to its former position of purity.
              Eve is a simpler character than Adam ‘s rib as his help meet,while she is beautiful,wise and able,she is superior to Adam only in her creation,when she looks in the water and falls in love with her own reflection,Eve is linked to the flaw of vanity and Satan as the serpent will use this defect against her.Before the fall ,Eve is generally presented as submissive to Adam and to some extent,dependent on him.Her reasoning powers are not fully realized as his.However,Milton in no way suggests a lack of intelligence on Eve’s part.Eve listens to Ralphel’s discription of the war heaven and the defeat of the rebellious angels.When the  conversation turns to more abstract questions of creation and planetary motion at the start of Book-VIII,Eve walks away to tend her garden.Milton is quick to note,however,
  “yet went she not,as not with such discourse delighted or not capable of her ear of what was high such pleasures she reserved”
           In ther words,Eve is perfectly capable of comprehending the abstruse subject,but she prefers hearing the ideas from Adam alone.She implied idea here is that Eve understands her position in the hierarchical arrangement and leaves this conversation so that she will in no way usurp Adam’s place with the angel.Eve does have a tendency now and then to question Adam,but she does so in a rational respectful manner.In book IX,sush questioning leads to temtation .Eve tell Adam at bthe start of book IX that they can do more work if they work if they  work likely tobe tricted by Satan if she is alone and argues against separation.His love for Eve.though,allows him to be persuaded and against his better judgement  he lets her go.Most commentators see this action on Adam ‘s part as another example f his unseriousness ;he yeilds to Eve’s argument  not because he does not want to hurt her feelings.On the other hand Eve wins the argument by knowingly using her advantages over Adam.Eve sets herself up for the fall and is not equal to the task f dealing with satan by herself.
          Eve’s yields to temtation through a combination  of flattery and sophistic argument by the serpent.Satan is happy to find Eve alone and acknowledges that Adam would be a much more difficult opponent .Satan knows Eve’s weakness and plays on them .She is charmed by him and can not detect the flaws in his arguments.After she eats the fruit,Eve immidiately changes.She begins to think of ways of becoming Adam’s equal or perhaps his superior,but, fearful losing Adam to another feamale creation,she decides that he must eat the fruit also.Adam does so but not because of Eve’s arguments .He eats willfully because he is unwilling tobe parted from Eve.
          After the fall,Eve like Adam is acrimonius and depressed.However her love for Adam imitates the regenration of the pair .She apologizes and her love causes a change in Adam :they can face the future together.Eve is also glorified by being told that her seed will eventually destroy satan,though her position in relation to Adam is made clear when Michael puts her to sleep while he shows Adam the vision of the future .Eve is certainly not a faminist heroine.Like so many characters in the epic,she has an assigned role in the hierarchy of the universe ,Milton does not denigrate women through the character Eve;he simply follows the thought of his time as to the role of women in society .Eve has as many important responsibilities as Adam,but  in the hierarchy of the universe ,she falls just below him

        Probably the most famous quote about “paradise lost “ is william Blake’s statement that Milton was “of the devbil’s party wiothout knowing it”.while Blake may have meant some thing other than what is generally under stood from this quotation(see “Milton’s style” in the critical essays),the idea that satan is the hero ot at least a type of a hero”,in paradise lost is wide spread.However,the progression,or ,more precisely,regression, of Satan’s character from book-I through Book XII gives a much different and much clearee picture of Milton’s attitude towards satan.Writers and critics of the romantic area advanced the notion that satan was promethan hero,pitting himself against an unjust God. Most of these writers based their ideas on the picture of satan and in the first 2 books of paradise lost in those books ,Satan rises of the lack of fire and delivers his heroic speech still challanging GOD.Satan tells the others rebels that they can make “a heav’n of hell,a hell of heav’n” and adds, “better to reign in  Hell than serve in Hea’vn”.Satan also calls for and leads the grand council.Finally he goes forth on his own to cross chaos and find earth .without question,this picture of satan makes him heroic in his initial introduction to the reader.
           Beside his actions, satan also appears heroic because the first two books focus on hell  and the fallen angels.The reader’s introduction to the poem is through Satan’s point of view ,Milton,by beginning in medias res gives satan the first empathetic character.Also ,Milton’s writing in these books,and his characterization of Satan ,make the archfiend understable and unforgettable.These facts certainly make Satan the most interesting  character in the poem but they do not make him the hero.Because the reader hears Satan’s version first,the reader is unware of the exaggeration and out right lies that are parts of Satan’s magnificient speeches .Moreover,the reader can easily over look the fact that Milton states that,what ever powers and abilities the fallen angels have in Hell,those powers and abilities come from God,who could at any moment take them away.
           In essence then Milton’s grand poetic style sets Satan up as heroic in books 1 and book 2.The presentation of Satan makes him seem graater than he actually is and initially draws the reader to Satan’s viewpoint.Further ,because all of the other characters .Milton spends more artistic energy on the development of Satan so that through out the poem,Satan’s character maintains the reader’s interest and perhaps sympathy at least to an extent.No matter how brillintly Milton created the character of Satan ,the chief demon can’t be the hero of the poem .For  Milton,Satan is the enemy who chooses to commit an act that goes against the basic laws of God,that challenges the very nature of the universe .Satan attempts to distroy the hierarchy of Heaven through his rebellion .Satan commits this act not because of the tyranny of God but because he wants what he wants rather than what God wants.Satan is an egoist.His interests always turn on his personal desires.Unlike Adam who discusses a multiplicity his own desires,Satan see every thing in terms of what will happen to him.
          One reason that Satan is easy to sympathize with is that he is much more like us than God or the son are .As the embodiment of human errors,he is much easier for us to imagine and emphasize with than an omniscientdeity .Satan ‘s character and psychology are all very human,and his envy,pride and despair are understable given his situation,but Satan’s speeches,while undeniably moving subtly display their own inconsistency and error.

      John Milton brilliantly created the three character of Adam,Eve and Satan.We saw that Adam is created by God ,and he is as perfect as a human being.He is the superior character of the epic.He is a strong,intelligent and rational  character of epic .In Adam we saw the ego of a man ,His protectiveness for EVE.His superireality and love for Eve is also created by Adam’s rib as his helpmeet.She is  beautiful,wisecharacter.She is superior to Adam only in her beauty,from the time of her creation .Eve is inferior to Adam,only slightly if we taking about the character of satan and his psychology are all very human it is easy to sympathize satan because it is much more like us.

Gulliver’s Travel's  as satirical Explorer of fictions and Illusion-
                    Jonathan swift was born in Dublin in 1667.Through his parents  were of English origin,swift loved the land of his birth and fought for the Irish cause with great loyalty.England had invaded Ireland and conquered it.It had been taken away from the Irish and Irish economy was at the mercy of the English aristocracy who encored themselves and left their Irish  tenants in a state of affairs that prompted swift to write a fierce satire on the English landlord in a modest proposal. In this pamphlet he recoments with ironic seriousness,that every Irish woman should produce children for the English man’s table .Irony is a literary device by which an author uses words or expressions which mean more or less the exact opposite of what he intends to convey.Swift exposed the pathetic state of the Irish peasants whose only solution to poverty would be able to sell their children as delicacies for the English noble man’s table.swift wrote a witty allegory on the religious controversies of the time entitled A Tale Of Tub.It is a celebrated satire on the corruptions in religion conveyed through a simple story of three brothers Peter,Martin and Jack who allegorically represent the Catholics,Anglicans and non-conformists or Calvinistic respectively.
                                   Swift’s greatest literary work is “Gulliver’sTravels” published in 1726. Although swift professed to hate the species called ‘man’,he loved individuals.”Gulliver’sTravels”is satire on human nature.
              Along with sharp  political satire,it touches such important-mes themes as morality,religion ,politics,human nature and quest for sense of life “Gulliver’s travels” did not lose its relevance now days because it is not only a sharp political satire of the English government of the 18th century,but also it refers to every political system who practices injustice ways to choose leaders and ministers. “ Gulliver travels is considered a universal text due to his universal themes and issues which discussed in the book. This book is about human nature in general it is not restricted to one country or to particular group of people. We can found Lilliput in our daily live not in the size,but in the ideas they are representing.Moreover readers can identify easily with those strange people Gulliver met for example,the Houyhnhnm represent many of hypocrites people or governments who claimed that they are perfect and has no vice in their society because they don’t know it is name but they practice this vice.Gulliver  travels is a universal text as it talk directly to the reader and the more he go deep he found new meaning for this text,asking for the nature of the human being like what we watched in class when he says who I am?and this is a major concern of the humanity which asserts that Gulliver’s Travels is a universal book.In addition Swift is the one who concerns about the idea of life and death and the concept of survival in human’s mind.
The satire of Gulliver’s Travels
                  During the 18th century there was an incredible upheaval of commercialization in  London England.As  a result, English society underwent significant, “change in attitude and thought”,in an attempt to obtain the dignity and spender of  royalty and the upper class. As a result English society held them selves in very high regards,feeling that they were the elite society of this novel,Gulliver’s travels,Jonathan swift satirize this  English society in many ways .in the novel,swift uses metaphors to reveal his disapproval of  English society. Through graphic representations of the body and it’s functions, swift reveals to the reader that grandeur is merely an illusion a facade behind  which English society of his time attempted to hide from reality.
On his first voyage,swift places Gulliver in a land of miniature people where his giant size is meant as a metaphor for his superiority over the Lilliputians,thus representing English society’s belief in superiority over all others.we saw that Gulliver play with the small and tiny lilliputian .some times he took  the Lilliputians in his hand.he protect them and play with them. Like this way he is the owner and others are means lilliputian are his slave. He has a power. Because he was giant than the lilliputian.
                              In this Brobdingnag the situation is reversed.Gulliver is now marooned and  dwarfed in the land of giants who are over forty feet  tall. He now becomes the midget he had laughed at in Lilliput  Observed through the microscopic eyes of Gulliver,the Brobdingnagian are hideous in size and stature,and Gulliver realizes that he must have been just as hideous to the little people in  Lilliput. Here swift satirizes the physical grossness of the human and the grotesque ugliness of the human body.
                                The malignancy of the human as a political animal and the accompanying 
                   Propensity for destruction are podiatry in the person of Gulliver. He is little more
                   Than an insect in Brobdingnag and at his best , an amusing  toy. His glorious account
                   Of  the English Political system and England’s preparations for war horrify the benevolent  concludes that the English must be “The most pernicious race of little  odious  vermin that Nature ever suffered to crawl upon the surface of the earth”.
                                Gulliver ends up in a miniature box which is picked up by a giant eagle and dropped into the ocean.              
v          VOYAGE 3 LAPUTA.

                A Voyage to LAPUTA  Brobdingnag , Luggna ,Glubbudubdrib and Japan is a satire on the scientists and philosophers of the age. The people of LAPUTA have extra ordinary physical features, heads turned at an angle, one eye turned up ward and the other inward. The Laputans , we are told, are so taken up with lintense speculation about theatrical mathematics that they constantly worry about abstract issues such as the sun burning out or a comet colliding with the earth.But they are totally inpet when it comes to practical things like constructing starlight walls  for their houses.Though the people of LAPUTA Swift ridicules the experiment  of the Royal Society and allied institutions of the time .His descriptions of the projects at the academy of Lagado are brilliantly comic and emphasize their impractical nature. For experimented with building,houses,starting at the roof and working down to the foundations .Glubbdubdrib is the island of sorcerers and magieians where it is possible to summon people who  are dead to make an appearance.Gulliver amuses himself by summoning Homer and Aristotle and comparing them and others .In Luggnag ,Gulliver en counts the strange phenomenon of the struldbruggs,immortal beings with decay in their bones and “deformities in extreme old age”(231) attending them.The experiments of LAPUTA,Blanibarbi and Luggnagg do not  yield  any thing their result.only in mysery,he decay ann death.The frighting, emptiness and sterility in of a purely scientific society is evident from this book.After a brief journey to Japan,Gulliver returns to England before setting out on his final voyage.

v          Voyage:-4 Country of the Houyhnhnm s:-
v                                 A voyage-to the country of the Houyhnhnm narrates the experiences of Gulliver in the land of the Houyhnhnm or horses,and the land of the Houyhnhnm or horses are creatures governed solely by reason,free from any emotion  or passions,while the yahoos who physically resemble human beings are ruled purely by “animal” instincts.The human is placed between the two extremes of rationality and animality observed.From the Houyhnhnm view point,Gulliver or man whom the 18th century had defined as an animal whose most striking feature was the ability to reason is primarily a yahoo,with only glimmer of reason Gulliver is repulsed at being identified with the  yahhosin the land of the Houyhnhnm. In his conversation with the master-horse(whose language Gulliver has learnt) he explains the customs practiced in England ,including the wearing of clothes by humans (who resemble the yahoos).the government of the people,the legal system,and the uses of money as instruments of purchase.Many of the concepts can not be translated into the the Houyhnhnm language their vocabulary and range of experience were limited.The horses with their total lack of feeling and emotion are seen as being far from ideal.They are as dull and insipid as the yahoos with their animal sensuality are revolting .Swift  seems to indicate to us that the nature of the human is complex  and defies definition unlike that of the yahoos and the Houyhnhnm. The book for all its harsh satire and anger,instructs humans to see themselves  with  humility and honesty ;it condemns pride ,ego and oyopic selfesteem.It urges every person to use reason to be a good christian

v                                 Satire of Human nature:-
                                    Satire is a literary genre in which  human vices,weakness ,foibles and follies are held up to ridicule.Wit and humor are commonly used as instruments of satire.satirical writings were popular  in England in the 18th centuary.some of the well-known satires of the period include Pope’s The Rape of the lock,Mandeville’s fable of the Bess and Swift’s A modest proposal and Battle of the books which range from gentle to biting satire.Reason and virtue were concepts central to the 18th century philosophical discourse.While writers like shaftesbury saw the human’s as “naturally” benevolent and endowed with virtue ,others like Swift perceived a disconnect between moral standards set by society and actual ways of living.In Gulliver’s travels Swift uses satire as a vehicle to point the depraved state of human kind .Some critics have observed that Swift is a misanthrope because he paints human nature as a whole in a sordid and redeeming features to humanity.others see Swift’s work as an attempt to joint the human race out of its complacency and turn them towards the direction of selfrealisation and redemption.Swift seems to be holding up a mirror to society so that in viewing the gross magnification of its vices,humanity has a hope for the future.Describing Swift’s satirical technique Basil Wiley comments “His effort is always to strip the object satirized of the film of familiarity which normally reconciles us to it,and to make us see it as in itself really is,as the child saw the unclothed emperor in Hans Andersen’s story.
                                    The voyages to Lilliput and Brobdingnag focus on the flaws in human society,with particular reference to English society.In Lilliput,humans are seen as diminutive creatures,crawling about without dignity or grandear. Their efforts and institutions are devoid of significance and they seem to wallow in empty pride.The situation is reserved in the next part where humans are observed as physically coarse,vulgurvand gross in Brobdingnag.Gulliver grand presentation of the nature of English political and judicalinstitutions is met with a caustic remark from the king on the pernicious nature of the human being which reflects Swift’s own stance regarding the hollow andcontemptlble nature of  British legal and political systems.The king is only Swift’s own vehicle of truth.
                                    The satire on human nature becomes more pointed and sustained in the third and fourth voyages.The Laputans are criticized for their preoccupation with speculative reasoning and theoretical abstractions that the sun may burn up one day ,that the earth may collide with a comet and lead to total annihilation. They are not concerned with the practical aspects of everyday living.The projects undertaken by the member of the Grand Academy of Lagado lend themselves to sharp humor and satire .The experiment range from extracting sunbeams out of cucumbers to separating human excrement and reducing it to its original poor and building houses starting at the roof and working down to the foundations.Reason devoid of common sense is satirized in this section .The ludicrous nature of experimentation for the sake of experimentation and having no basis in reality is highlighted here.
v      In the land of the Houyhnhnm s ,the role of humans and animals are reserved .The horses represent reason in all its perfection but they have no individual identity.They appear to be the ideal human in the stoicism they maintain but have no human qualities such as compassion or love.They are an reachable ideal.on the other hand the yahoos who resemble humans are despicable ,sensual and bestial Gulliver’s voyages conclude with humors satire  as Gulliver is so taken up with the  “Noble Houyhnhnm and is so impressed with their culture  and their attitudes that he even imitates their gain and manner,trotting and neighing like a horse.Satire in Gulliver’s Travels also extends to human institutions ,to politics  and the state.This will be examined in the section on Gulliver’s travels as a political allegory.

                                     In this novel Swift create a longer fiction.It is  a fictions and illusions because the four voyages of the novel Gulliver’s travels are not real.The voyage of Lilliput in this voyage we saw the tiny people they are so much tiny than Gulliver ,we saw that how they take Gulliver in the court ,and the way they live is different and they arrange food for Gulliver and all the things .The world of tiny people ewe can not saw in this real world .We can not believe that thera is a world like it is the fictions we can not saw the world like this but quite good.In the  second voyage of the Brobdingnag .The world  of giant the people of that world are the forty en chis and they are so much bigger than the Gulliver.In this voyage the situation is totally reverse.In this voyage Gulliver is became tiny people .In this voyage Gulliver treat like a pet and a girl keep him like her pet and once she sold Gulliver in a market,he do many tricks in front of the here Gulliver feels the powerless person because in Lilliput he has power but in this world he is tiny.In this voyage we saw the very giant men and also this type of giant world we can not saw in reality.
                                     The voyage of LAPUTA the floating Island.The Island was floating in the air,and people was lived in that  island.In the real life this type of island we can not see .We can’t  see the Island which is floating in the we can see that there is no reality in this voyage,it is fictional and imagery world.The voyage of Houyhnhnm s the master are horses and the yahoos who looking like a man are slaves and this is also a fiction and illusion because in real life we can not saw the world in which animal are master who rule over the yahoos or man.It is the world which can not be seen in real.No animal can ruled over the man.So,we saw all the voyage in this novel is not real,because we see this type of world can not be possible in this world.There can not be world like this.

v                                                              CONCLUSION:-
                                       Swift represent the society and political situation of 18th century in this time England,suffer from superiority complex  and here he represent  the society of the England in 18th century he sarized on the society of England and also satire on the human nature.Swift create a beautiful fictional world and by a character  of a Gulliver he has successfully represent the society of England in 18th  century

          Epic and Tragedy
Name:Thakar Aneri R.
Roll no.:-1
Paper no:-3
Submitted To:-DR.Dilip Barad

There is a standard distinction between traditional and literary epic “Traditional epics”(also called folk epic or primary epics)were written versions of what had originally been oral poems about a tribal or national hero,during a war like age.Among these are the Iliad and Odyssey that the Greek ascribed to Homer:the Anglo-Saxon “Beowulf;the French chanson de Roland and the Spanish poems decided in the 20th century .German epic Nibelungenlied “Literary epics” were composed by individual poetic crafts men in delibrate imitation of the traditional forms of this kind is Virgil Latin poem the ‘Aeneid’,which later served as the chief model for Milton’s literary epic paradise Lost(1667).Paradise lost in turn became,in the Romantic Period,a model for John Keats fragmentary epic Hyperion,as well as fore William Blake’s several epic,or “Prophetic books”,which translated in to Blake’s own mythic terms the biblical narrative that had been Milton’s subject.
In his Anatomy of criticism(1957) North shop Frye asserts that Homer established for his successors the “demonstration that the fall of an enemy,no less than of a friend or leader,is tragic and not comic” and that with this “objectives and disinterested element”the epic acquired an authority based “on the vision of nature as an impersonal order”The epic was ranked by Aristotle as second only on Tragedy,and by many Renaissance critics as the highest of all genres.The literacy epic is certainly the most ambitious of poetic enterprises,making immense demands on a poet’s knowledge,invention,and skill to sustain the scope,grandeur,and authority of a poem that tends to encompass the world of its day and a large portion of its learning.Despite numerous attempts in many languages over nearly three thousand years,we possess no more than a half dozen such poems of indubitable greatness. Literary epics are highly conventional compositions which usually share the following features,derived by way of the Aeneid from the traditional epics of Homer.
The Hero is a figure of great national or even cosmic importance.In the Iliad he is the Greek warrior Achilles,who is the son of the sea-nymph theist and Virgil Aeneas is the son of goddess Aphrodite.In “paradise lost”,Adam and Eve are the progenitors of the entire as the protagonist .He is both God and man .Blake’s primal figure is “The Universal Man”Albion,who incorporates,before his fall ,humanity and God and the cosmos as well.
The setting of the poem is ample in scale,and may be world wide,or even larger.Odysseus wanders over the Mediterranean basin(The whole of the world known at the time and in book 12 he descends into the scope of paradise lost is the entire universe for it takes place in heaven,on earth ,in hell,and in the cosmic space between.
The action involves extra ordinary deeds in battle,such as Achilles feats in the Trojan war,or a long arduous and dangerous journey intrepidly accomplished,such as the wanderings of Odysseus on his way back to his homeland,in the face of opposition by some of the Gods “paradise lost” includes the revolt in heaven by the rebel angels against  God,the journey of Satan through chaos to discover the newly created world,and his desperately audacious attempt to it wit God by corrupting mankind,in which his success is ultimately frustrated by the sacrificial action of Christ.
In these great actions the Gods and other supernatural being take an interest or an active part –the Olympian gods in Homer ,and Jehovah, Christ,and the angels in paradise lost.These supernatural agents were in the Neo classical Age is called the machinery in the sense that they were part of the literary contrivances of the epic
AN epic poem is a ceremonial performance,and is narrated in a ceremonial style which is deliberately distanced from ordinary speech and proportioned to the grandeur and formality of the heroic subject and architecture .Hence Milton’s “grand style”-his formal diction and elaborate and stylized syntax,which are in large part modeled on Latin poetry,his sonorous lists of names and wide-ranging allusions,and his imitation of Homer’s epic similes and epithets.
There are also widely used epic conventions or formulas,in the choice and ordering of episodes;prominent among them are these features,as exemplified in paradise lost
The metaphor begins by stating his argument or epic theme,invokes a muse or guiding spirit to inspire him in his great undertaking,then addresses to the muse the epic question,the answer to which inaugurates the narrative proper(paradise lost,1-49)
The narrative starts in medias res (“in the middle of things)at a critical point in the action.Paradise lost opens with the fallen angels in hell,gathering their scattered forces and determining on revenge.Not until books v-vii does the angel Raphel narrate to Adam the events in heaven which led to this situations;while in books Xi-XII ,after the fall, Michel foretells to Adam future events up to christ’s second coming.Thus,Milton’s epic although its action focuses on the temptation and fall of man,encompasses all time from the creation to the end of the world.
There are catalogues of some the principal characters,introduced in formal detail,as in Milton’s description of the procession of fallen angels in Book 1 of paradise lost.These characters are often given set speeches that reveal their diverse temperaments and moral attitudes;an example is the debate in pandemonium Book-II.
The term “epic” is often applied,by extension to narrative which differ in many respects from this model but manifest the epic spirit and grandeur in the scale,the scope and the profound human importance of their subjects.In this broad sense Dante’s 14th century divine comedy and Edmund Spenser’s late 16th century  the Faerie Queen(1590-96) are often called epics ,as the  conspicuously large scale and wide-ranging works of prose fiction such as Herman Melville’s mob Dick (1851)Leo Tolstoy’s war and peace (1869) and James Joyce’s Ulysses(1922):this last work achieves epic scope in representing the events of an ordinary day in Dublin(16 June 1904) by modeling them on the episodes of Homer’s odyssey.George Lukacs used the term “bourgeois epic” for all novels which in his view reflect the social reality of their capitalist age on a broad scale.

             The term is broadly applied to literary and especially to dramatic,representations of serious actions which evaluate in a disastrous conclusion for the protagonist (the chief character)more precise and detailed discussions of the tragic form properly begin although they should not end with Aristotle’s classic analysis in the poetic (fourth century B.C,)Aristotle based his theory on induction from the only examples available to him,the tragedies of Greek dramatists such as Aeschylus,Sophocles and Euripides.In the subsequent two thousand years and more,many new and artistically effective types of serious plots ending in a catastrophe have been developed types that Aristotle had no way of foresting. The many attempts to stretch Aristotle’s analysis to apply to later tragic forms serve merely to blur his critical categories and to obscure important differences among diverse types of plays,all of which have proved to be dramatically effective.When flexibly managed ,however Aristotle’s discussions apply in some part to many tragic plots and his analytic concepts serve as a suggestive starting point for identifying the differentiate of various non Aristotelian modes of tragic construction.
Aristotle defined tragedy as “the imitation of an action that is serious and also,as having magnitude complete in itself,” in the medium of poetic language and in the manner of dramatic rather than of narrative presentation involving “incidents arousing pity and fear,where with to accomplish the catharsis of such emotions.”Precisely how to interpret Aristotle’s “catharsis” means it is “purgation” or “purification” or both is disputed.On two matters,however a number of commentators agree.Aristotle in the first place sets out to account for the undeniable though remarkable fact that many representation of suffering and defeat leave an audience feeling not depressed,but relieved,or even exalted .In the second place ,Aristotle uses this distinctive effect on the reader which he calls “The pleasure of pity and fear” as the basic way to distinguish the tragic form comic other forms and he regards the dramatist’s aim to  produce this effect in the highest degree as the choice and moral qualities of a tragic protagonist and the organization of the tragic plot.
Accordingly,Aristotle says that the “Tragic hero” will most effectively evoke both our pity and terror if he is neither thoroughly good nor thoroughly bad but a mixture of both and also that this tragic effect will be stronger if the hero is  “better than we are” in the sense that he is of higher than ordinary moral worth.Such  a man is exhibited as suffering a change in fortune from happiness to misery because which he is led by his “Hamartia”-his “error of judgement” or as it is often though less literally translated,his tragic flaw.(one common form of Hamartia in Greek tragedies was hubris,that “pride” or over weening self-confidence which leads a protagonist to disregard a divine warming or to violate an important moral law)”The tragic hero like Oedipus in Sophocles , Oedipus the king moves us to pity because he is not an evil man ,his misfortune is greater than he deserves;but he moves us also to fear,because we recognize similar possibilities of error in our own lesser and fallible selves.Aristotle grounds his analysis of  “The very structure and incidents of the play”.On the  same principle the plot,he says which will most effectively evoke  “Tragic pity and fear” is one in which the events develop through complication to a catastrophe in which there occurs  a sudden.
Medieval Tragedies:-
This tragedies are simply the story of a high person of high status who whether deservedly or not is brought from prosperity to wretchedness by an unpredictable turn of the wheel of fortune.The tragedies of Elizabethan period owed much to the native religious drama,the miracle and morality plays which had developed independently of classical influence,senecan tragedy;senecan tragedy was written tobe recited rather than acted ,but to English play writers ,who thought that these tragedies had been intended for the stage ,they provided the model for an organized five-act play with a complex plot and an elaborately formal style of dialogue.Senecan drama in the Elizabethan age had two main lines of development .One of these consisted of academic tragedies written in close imitation of the senecan model ,including the use of a Chorus ,and usually constructed according to the rules of three unities.
Revenge tragedy or tragedy of blood
       This type of play derived from seneca’s favorite materials of murder,revenge,ghosts, mutilation and carnage.Thomas Kyd’s the Spanish Tragedy(1586) established his popular form.Its subject is murder and quest for vengeance and it includes a ghost insanity,suicide a play within a play sensational incidents and a gruesomely bloody ending.
Bourgeois or Domestic tragedy;it was written in prose and presented protagonist frm the middle or lower social ranks who suffers a common place or domestic disaster.George Lilos the London merchant or the history of George Barn well about merchantman apprentice who succumbs to a heartless courtesan and comes to a bad end by robbing his employer and murdering his uncle is still read,at least in college courses.
          The epic uses  the mode of the narrative and tragedy,the mode of the dramatic.The plot of epic as of tragedy,must have unity.The epic follows for more and longer incidents than does traged. The epic allows multiplicity of stories,which would be unthinkable in the tragedy .The elements which are however only to be found in the tragedy are music and spectacle.Tragedy has a vividness which is absent in epic.

Write a note on Tagore as a dramatist
Name :-Aneri R.Thakar
Roll no:-1
Paper no:-4
Topic :-5
Submitted To:-DR.Dilip Barad
Department of English
Bhavanagar University
                         It is said that Tagore wrote his first characteristic play, “sanyasi” or the Ascetic,while holidaying at karwar on the west cost of India.There has been a long and fruitful dramatic tradition in India,and Tagore was familiar with it.He was a gifted actor himself,and he was eager to give a new tone to the Bengali’s stage.He admired Shakespeare probably he admired Ibsen,probably also matter link;and he knew his Kalidas very well.He would try his hand at drama like them- yet it  could not be quite like them. HE was a poet he trafficked imagery and symbolism.He invariably saw the universal behind particulars.A pray needs a plot,even as a house needs a firm structure.But how about a house that is no house,the shelter of a tree or a bush?how about the logic of the dream sequences?how about floating clouds-they unaccountably come together they assume the look of a camel or of a continent,then they scatter and de-solve and leave not a rack behind! A play doubtless needs a plot,characters,dialogue,sentiments: but if all were to become symbols,word that?there are the ‘no’ and Kabuki,plays in Japan,which can seldom be studied as a Shakespearean play can be;but in their own works they are effective on the stage and cause a dull – harming in the mind long after one has left the stage there certain traditional national attitudes there are unshakable obscure racial memory,there are quite a few Derennially recurrent archetypal human patterns-and these are the stuff out of a which the dramatist creates his dreams.Tagore could take many things for granted:for example,and intimate knowledge of our epics and our main cultural tradition generally certain attitudes too he could take for a granted.Idolatry in India is as old as the hills,and condemnation of idolatry also is as old as “Buddha”,if not even more ancient. Asceticism and the failure of asceticism, Casticism and the exceeding of Casticism,the spectacle of husband being redeemed by wife or wife by husband or both by children,Fanaticism striving with a tolrence,pittiness striving with magnanimity-all are old,old themes .Tagore could start the play,strike the opening Chords ,named the characters,-and memory and imagination would do the rest.Not the logic of careful plotting but the music of ideas and symbols is the  ‘soul’ of this drama.Not the apparent meaning but it’s echoing,cadence of suggestion-Dhwani,as the Sanskrit rhetoricians called it;in other words,the weakness of the under tones-is what matters,for these alone candles the sluggish soul to a new awareness life’s “deep magics”.

“Sanyasi” written by Tagore:-
             Sanyasi is a study of the failure of what Sri Aurobindo would call the “Reusal of the Ascetic”.In the Vishnupurana we learn that Jada Bharata,although he readily gives up the cares and pomp of kingship and retires to the forest,is unable to resist the play of pity which presently flames up into immaculate love.The sanyasi,by with drawing from the world as he thinks,he merely developed a negative virtue.Salvation comes,however ,not from negation but from wise acceptance,purification,and inner transformation.When the sanyasi boastfully declares-
  “The division of days and nights is not for me ,or that of months and years….I sit chanting the incantation of nothingness…..I am free,I am the great solitary one”
              He symbolizes non-engagement, and cares not for victory in battle the first stir and rustle of actuality disturbs him not a little ,the emphasize is still his line of defense.-
     “The earth breathes hot sighs and the whirling sands dance by what sites of man have I seen ! can I ever gain shrink back into the smallness of these creatures,and become one of them? No I am free…
  The girl Vasanti disturbs him even more,but at first he tries to be Stern “I have deserted both God and men”.She asks for bread,but in his obtuseness he gives her a stone instead!yet the springs of humanity not being dried up completely,assert them-selves at last .There are vogue stirrings within.Vasanti’s little trusting hand seems to touch his soul” with the want of eternal”,she is to him like the “moth of the day light”.Even so he makes one more attempt to reject  humanity and love;he blows furiously hot and icy cold in panic he runs away from her.But where ever he may go ,life and the claims of life and the lure of the  beauty and love pursue him.ANOTHER CHILD MEETS HIM AND COMPLETES THE EDUCATION VASANTI HAD BEGUN.He decides he will break the staff of negation and lean on the tree of life-
     “Let my wows of sanyasi go…oh the fool who wanted to sick safety in swimming alone and gave up the light of the sun and stars.To pick his way with his glow –warms lamp!...I am free,I am free from the bodiless chain of the nay…the finite is the true infinite and love knows it truth”.
       Let mu in a sense it is too late,for Vasanti is death yet can the giver of new life to the Sanyasi be really dead? The Sanyasi has learned the lesson of love and life,and there is now no danger of his returning to the desert of mere ascetic negation.Tagore himself in his Reminiscences,has underlined the ‘moral’ of the play’
………..The great is to be found in the small,the infinite within the bounce of form and the eternal freedom of soul in love… on the one side the wayfarers and villagers content with their home made triviality  and unconscious of any thing beyond;on the other the Sanyasi…when love bridged the gulf between the two the seeming triviality o the finite and the seeming emptiness of the infinite like a disappeared.
        The Sanyasi,trying to feel from illusion,had been trapped in a new illusion he has awaken from that night mere and gone through the baptism regeneration as a human being thanks to the chesty tears he has shed-
  O My child the sorrow of your little heart has field,forever all the nights of my life with its sadness ….YOUR sob that perused me,when I  Fled away have clung to my heart.I shall carry them to my Death
    The sanyasi is indeed redeemed.It is not like that it is the enemy of man,but the wrong kind of egoistic possessiveness that de bases and slaves body,mind and soul.True love far from binding, anticipated and en large.Love is the ever lasting yea that liberates,purifies and intensifies human understanding and reveals infinite in a grain of a sand,and heaven in a flower.
Chitra written by Tagore :-
       Chitra is a succinctness  Tagorean version of Kalidas’s Shankuntala;In the course of a perceptive an introduction of Shakuntala wrote in truth there are two unions in Shakuntala and the motif of the ,play is the  progress of frm the earlier union of the first with its earthly unstable beauty and romance,to the higher union heavenly -Hermitage of eternal bliss described in the last act…..translating the whole subject from one world to another-to elevate love from the sphere of physical beauty to the eternal heavens of moral beauty.In Tagore’s play,Chitra first appears as an Atlanta,but when she sees Arjuna the ascetic,the warrior becomes a woman.she must win his love,even on false pretenses .The GOD of love and the GOD of spring give her celestial beauty for the space of one year .Arjuna forgets hos vows and surrender,but each love else?only the falsity in the other and what has become false.Chitra’s is beauty is borrowed beauty.And so indeed it’s all physical beauty with us for a team,but one day sure tobe drawn,)and Arjuna is a flaws  ardour-ardour that has surged as a result of these unfair attack of falsity.Neither is in wordily happy she is unhappy he doesn't really love her ,and he is unhappy,ill at ease,because he senses that there is something wrong somewhere-and he is,besides, secretly drawn to the Chitra of romour,the arms-bearer,the scourge of her countries enemies.Yet in the end,when the truth is forced out,real lover flares up from ashes of the flash love that has gone up in a blaze. Now love in born of deep understanding, agonies experienced and shared and the vision of the fourth coming their past discarded selves what the God of spring prophesied comes true.
    “A Time will come of its self when the heat-cloyed bloom of the body will droop and Arjuna will gladly accept the abiding fruitful in thee.”
     Chitra is quintessence of romance the speeches burn with passion and light up the way from truth to illusion and again the arduous climb from illusion to truth Arjuna says “vaguely glimpsing  the truth but greatly confused still-
    I never seem to know you right ….Illusion is the first appearance of Truth she advances towards her lover in disguise but a time comes when she throws off her ornaments and veils and stands clothed in naked dignity. I grope for that ultimate you that bare simplicity of truth.
    The truth is that  Chitra is  “No goodness to be worshiped  nor yet the object of common pity to be brushed aside like a moth with indifference.”she is a woman and a mother,and Arjuna is content ;he says simply “Beloved ,my life is full !”
  What do they know of the body that only the body know and what they know mind or the soul that haven’t known or loved the body?Tagore was seized  by this idea and incarnated in Chitra the evolution of the human love from the physical to the spiritual .The supernatural machinery – Vasanti,Madana the end their ‘gifts’ to Chitra-is strictly superfluous to the play’s inner causation.The wall point of the play in that youth itself cits freshness,strength and beauty is a sudden spring time miracle;it is suddenly there and,later it fades away ,as suddenly,as uncountable. It is “Nature’s trick” to bring about certain results.But,then men has learnt through the ages of his civilized existence to improve upon or too upon transcend this mere trick and make it the means of more integral and durable union that may last a whole life me and beyond it  too.Because a men and women have evolved  subtle methods of seduction,there is also the risk of greater disappointment,revulsion and disgust.What is easily won may be even more easily lost .Knowing full well that there is the longer surer way –the way of devotion,tapasaya –Chitra chooses the quicker way of borrowed beauty to make the assault on Arjuna senses,rather than achieve the contrast of the whole men.Arjuna too is like wise ready ,all though he is know nothing about her expect that she is physically alluring,to give up  his vow and surrender to the moment.No wonder she is inly discontented and soon he is discontented as well.It is natural enough that beauty or glamour should attract in the first instance men to woman,or woman to men ;but this attraction has still to pass other tests before it can acquire the name and true nature of love.With men and women the attraction,the coming together is not the end,but only the beginning.It has to survive shared trials ,shared sorrows,the shared grateful gradual failure of the bodily functions,culminating in a shared old age.Hence the impedi-ments that religion,ethics,custom and wordily wisdom raise between the first fine rapture and the sanctified final acceptance in marriage. The union of man and woman is  the marriage of true minds,a whole spectrum ranging from the sensual to the spiritual .It is not to be striven for through tapasya,to be won and continually deserved as mutual self giving at all levels of experience.Youth and beauty are transient and death is unavoidable;yet marriage achieves the miracle of beyonding youth and beauty;and motherhood and fatherhood to achieve the miracle of continuity ,the beyonding of death itself .Before the God score simply,before the glow of youth although they may be transience are yet a part of our experience wisdom lies neither looking upon the body and it ‘s beauty as ends in themselves nor in imagining that our life could be holy separated from the physical base.Tagore rejected both “negations”-the ascetic’s denial of life as well as the sensualist’s denial of the spirit.The blinding maddening ecstasy of the physical union is not denied in Chitra,but its transience is also recognized. Even as illusion is but “the first appearance of truth ,the fever and throb of the senses are but a prelude to the less evanescent more subdued joy of “holy wedded love”.